Dear UTFA Colleagues,
As a result of the current round (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023) of bargaining, there will be a 1% Across-the-Board (ATB) salary increase retroactive to July 1, 2022, and the Administration has indicated that it will be implemented for all faculty members and librarians on the November pay run. As a result, your payment for the month of November should include a retroactive salary payment equivalent to 1% of your annualized salary multiplied by 5/12 for the July-November period. Your pay rate in subsequent months will be 1% higher, less appropriate deductions, than your July 1 salary. This 1% ATB salary increase reflects the limits imposed by Bill 124.
If you have concerns after receiving your November salary payment, we suggest that you check with your unit’s Chair or Business Officer to make sure that you have received your retroactive ATB payment.
If you are not able to resolve your concerns, please contact UTFA by emailing advice@utfa.org.
Jun Nogami
UTFA Vice-President, Salary, Benefits, Pensions and Workload
Terezia Zorić
UTFA President
On behalf of the UTFA SBPW Negotiating Team