UTFA Executive, 2016–2017 Selected

June 22, 2016
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On April 5, 2016, UTFA members elected Cynthia Messenger to be UTFA's 17th President. On May 19, 2016, UTFA Council voted to accept the slate of Executive members proposed by the Nominating Committee and conducted an election for the role of Vice-President, Grievances. One Member-at-Large seat was left vacant. Subsequently, on June 21, 2016, UTFA Council acknowledged the acclamation of a Member-at-Large to Executive.

The UTFA Executive for 2016–2017 is as follows. Contact information will be posted to the UTFA Executive page on July 1, 2016.

Michael Attridge Chair, Appointments Committee
Kass Banning Chair, Teaching Stream Committee
Ettore Damiano Treasurer
Claude Evans Member-at-Large
Roy Gillis Chair, Equity Committee
Jennifer Jenkins Chair, Membership Committee
Linda Kohn Vice-President, University and External Affairs
Ken MacDonald Vice-President, Salary, Benefits, Pensions & Workload
Cynthia Messenger President
Andreas Motsch Member-at-Large
Kathleen Scheaffer Chair, Librarians Committee
Harriet Sonne de Torrens Member-at-Large
Kent Weaver Chair, Retired Members Committee
Terezia Zoric Vice-President, Grievances