UTFA Librarians: Principles for Consultation – Annual Activity Report and Performance Assessment Policies/Procedures

September 4, 2020
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We are very pleased to share with you the Principles for Consultation – Annual Activity Report and Performance Assessment Policies/Procedures agreed to on June 3, 2020 and approved by UTFA Council on June 10, 2020.


Note: This is the process that the University of Toronto Libraries will follow in the event that the Library administration intends to consider substantive (1) changes to performance assessment policies and/or procedures including the Librarian Annual Activity Report Form or the Annual Librarian Performance Assessments – Procedures & Rating Scale.

  • The Chief Librarian appoints a committee that is broadly representative. The committee is established by sending a call for participation to librarians across the three campuses. The Committee will be chaired by the Chief Librarian or their designate and should include:
    • a majority of permanent status librarians who do not supervise other librarians nor hold senior administrative appointments;
    • librarians from the UTM, UTSC, and the Central and divisional libraries.
  • The committee is advisory to the Chief Librarian. It will gather information and make written recommendations regarding performance assessment policies and/or procedures. The draft recommendations will be shared with all UTL librarians, who will be given an opportunity to provide feedback.
  • The committee will review the feedback and make their final recommendations to the Chief Librarian, who will make the final decision regarding any revisions to the policies and/or procedures.
  • The Chief Librarian or designate will circulate the revised performance assessment policies and/or procedures.


(1) Substantive changes include material changes to policies and processes but do not include minor changes such as necessary annual updates.

PDF of version of the agreement