Messages from the Chief Returning Officer
April 2, 2024
UTFA Presidential Election Results
Terezia Zorić: 1659 votes (67.7%)
Renan Levine: 793 votes (32.3%)
2461 (61.6%) of 3997 electors, including 9 abstentions
Professor Susan Bondy
UTFA Chief Returning Officer
April 2, 2024
UTFA President Elected - Terezia Zorić
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to inform you that Professor Terezia Zorić has been elected President of the University of Toronto Faculty Association for the term July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2026.
Congratulations and best wishes to Professor Zorić.
I also wish to thank Professor Renan Levine for his participation in this important democratic process.
Thank you to Professors Levine and Zorić and their teams for their commitment to a fair election.
Finally, I would like to thank UTFA staff for their support throughout the election process.
You may visit our website for official results.
Professor Susan Bondy
Chief Returning Officer
March 28, 2024
UTFA 2024 Presidential Election - Communications Eblast Outage
Dear Colleagues,
Please note that there are five days left to vote in the 2024 Presidential Election and members must vote before April 2 at noon.
If you have not received a ballot, please consider the following:
- Check your Junk, Spam, and Unfocused (Other) folders.
- Make sure that you have not previously unsubscribed your email address from Simply Voting. If you have, send an email message to resubscribe@simplyvoting.com to resubscribe.
- We advise you to add vote@simplyvoting.com to your Safe Senders list (especially if you have not voted with Simply Voting before).
Any member who has not received an electronic ballot should contact me at CRO2024@utfa.org after checking their Junk and Spam folders.
Further, this email is to advise UTFA members of an outage that occurred at 3:35 p.m. today with the email platform, Sendy, that UTFA uses. The outage lasted for about 3.5 hours, and as of 7:00 p.m. this evening, the Sendy platform was restored.
As per the 2024 UTFA Presidential Election Guidelines, statements from the candidates are to be sent out centrally by UTFA staff using Sendy. Due to today's technical outage, links included in the first email sent by UTFA were unresponsive and the second Candidate Statement could not be sent. In light of the outage, to ensure that both Candidate Statements were sent to the membership as close in time as possible, UTFA staff sent the communication via the Constituency listserv accounts instead of Sendy.
You can find both Candidate Statements on the UTFA Presidential web page.
Professor Susan Bondy
Chief Returning Officer
March 28, 2024
As of 7:00 p.m. on March 28th, the email outage has been fixed. All links and email platforms have been restored.
UPDATE: Email outage notice.
Please note that as of 3:35 p.m. on March 28th, we experienced an outage with our broadcast email platform. We are monitoring this outage and will provide updates as soon as we can. This will result in a delay in members being able to access the materials linked in the eblast platform. Thank you for your understanding.
March 20, 2024
UTFA Presidential Forums Videos Now Posted
Dear Colleagues,
Two UTFA Presidential Forums were held on March 19th at 5 p.m. and March 20th at 10 a.m. at which time the presidential candidates outlined their platforms and responded to questions.
Video recordings of the Forums are now posted: you can find links in the Important Dates section of the UTFA Presidential Election web page. You can also access them directly here:
Forum 1 (Tue Mar 19 at 5pm): https://tinyurl.com/5fpdsjxz (Closed Captioning Available), Transcript Available
Forum 2 (Wed Mar 20 at 10am): https://tinyurl.com/3n6tmmvb (Closed Captioning Available), Transcript Available
Note that the questions and the opening and closing statements at each Forum were different.
Professor Susan Bondy
Chief Returning Officer
March 20, 2024
UTFA 2024 Presidential Election - Balloting Period Starts Today at Noon
Dear Colleagues,
Voting in the election of the UTFA President for the term July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026 begins at noon today. Members must vote before April 2 at noon.
All members eligible to vote will receive an email from Simply Voting, UTFA’s electronic ballot provider. The email will be identified as coming from UTFA. When you open it, you will see that it was sent from vote@simplyvoting.com.
To ensure that you receive your ballot, we advise you to add that email address to your safe senders list.
Any member who has not received an electronic ballot by email by the end of today should contact me at CRO2024@utfa.org after checking their Junk and Spam folders.
Professor Susan Bondy
Chief Returning Officer
March 15, 2024
UTFA Election Announcement and Candidate Forum Dates
Dear Colleagues,
The period for nominating candidates for the position of the President of UTFA has now ended. There are two nominees: Renan Levine and Terezia Zorić. As a result, there will be an election.
The President of UTFA is directly elected by the members of the Association. We will be using an online voting system, as we have for past elections. You will be receiving an email early next week with detailed voting instructions. Please note that the voting period will begin on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at noon. Note also that online ballots often roll out rather than appear in all members’ inboxes at the same moment. Reminders will be sent at intervals of three to five days to those who have not yet voted.
The candidates' statements appear on the Presidential Election web page, for which there is a link from the UTFA home page.
Two UTFA Presidential Candidates Forums will be held next week at which presidential candidates Terezia Zorić and Renan Levine will have an opportunity to outline their platforms. The Forums will be moderated by Hamish Russell, the speaker of UTFA Council.
Candidates will make opening comments, respond to questions, and make closing comments. Questions should be sent in advance to CRO2024@utfa.org by noon on Tuesday, March 19. Time permitting, questions may be asked at each Forum. We encourage questions that are applicable to both candidates.
Tuesday, March 19, 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 20, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Forums will begin on the hour.
Via Zoom webinar
Please click on the appropriate date to register for the Forum you wish to attend:
- Tuesday, March 19 https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xCWBhmyLTkSe7OGqdMjocg
- Wednesday, March 20
If you have questions about the election or registration, please write to CRO2024@utfa.org.
Professor Susan Bondy
Chief Returning Officer
March 15, 2024
UTFA President Nomination Submission
Dear Colleagues,
We have received a nomination for UTFA President, for Renan Levine. Additional information will be available on his candidate page after the nomination period closes.
Further nominations may be submitted until noon on Friday, March 15, 2024.
If you have any questions about the nomination or election process, please write to me at CRO2024@utfa.org.
Professor Susan Bondy
Chief Returning Officer
March 5, 2024
UTFA President Nomination Submission
Dear Colleagues,
We have received a nomination for UTFA President, for Terezia Zorić. Additional information will be available on her candidate page after the nomination period closes.
Further nominations may be submitted until noon on Friday, March 15, 2024.
If you have any questions about the nomination or election process, please write to me at CRO2024@utfa.org.
Professor Susan Bondy
Chief Returning Officer
March 1, 2024
Nominations for UTFA President open on Friday, March 1
Dear Colleagues,
2024 is a Presidential election year for the University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA). I have been appointed by UTFA Council as the Chief Returning Officer (CRO) for this election. The nomination period for the 2024 UTFA Presidential election opens today, Friday, March 1, 2024, and closes on Friday, March 15, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (noon).
The UTFA President serves for two years, from July 1 immediately following the date of election. A President may serve up to three two-year terms consecutively.
The duties and terms of reference for the President are set out in the UTFA Constitution and Bylaws. The President of UTFA is directly elected by the members of the Association.
Any UTFA member in good standing may be nominated for the position of President. Candidates must be nominated by either two (2) members of UTFA Council or ten (10) members of the Association. Nomination forms are available on the UTFA Presidential Election page along with Guidelines for the Presidential election which includes important deadlines and requirements.
If there is more than one nominee, election forums will be announced and information about the balloting process will be provided. Balloting will take place between noon on Wednesday, March 20th and noon on Tuesday, April 2nd. If there is only one nominee, that candidate will be acclaimed.
If you have any questions about the nomination or election process, please write to me at CRO2024@utfa.org.
Professor Susan Bondy
Chief Returning Officer