2024 Settlement
2022 Settlements
Memorandum of Settlement - Remaining Benefit Items
Memorandum of Settlement – “COVID LOU” Extension
UTFA Reaches Three-Year Agreement with Administration
Memorandum of Settlement July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023
2018-2021 Settlements
UTFA, University Administration Reach Tentative Two-year Settlement
Memorandum of Agreement between U of T and UTFA - April 25, 2018 (Searchable PDF here)
Memorandum of Settlement between U of T and UTFA re:Policy and Procedures on Employment Conditions of Part-Time Faculty - May 7, 2020
Summary of the Part-time Policy Settlement
UTFA Librarians: Agreement on Principles for Consultation – Annual Activity Report and Performance Assessment Policies/Procedures
Librarian Research and Professional Development Days Agreement
Kaplan - SBPW - Arbitration Award, June 29, 2020
Memorandum of Settlement between U of T and UTFA re: UniForum Global Benchmarking Program - June 3, 2019
Memorandum of Settlement - "COVID-LOU"
U of T UTFA PTR Kaplan Award, January 4, 2021
2014-2017 (Mostly) Mediated Settlement
Terms of New UTFA Settlement for July 2014 to June 2017 - November 30, 2015
Summary of the group benefit changes - February 2, 2016
Memorandum of Settlement between U of T and UTFA - November 21, 2015
SB&P Arbitration Award from William Kaplan - November 27, 2015
Workload Policy and Procedures (WLPP) Guidance for Teaching Stream - October 27, 2015
Issues, Best Practices, and Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Unit Level Workload Revisions - October 26, 2015
Revised Workload Policy and Procedures (WLPP) - October 3, 2015
Revised Workload Policy and Procedures (WLPP) with changes tracked - October 3, 2015
U of T administration's settlement implementation timeline - January 22, 2016
Memorandum of Settlement between U of T and UTFA - June 13, 2017
UTFA statement on June 13, 2017 Memorandum of Settlement - July 20, 2017
University administration’s settlement implementation timeline - July 21, 2017
2011-2014 Mediated Settlement
Memorandum of Settlement between UofT and UTFA - June 3, 2012
Pension Letter of Understanding - June 3, 2012
SB&P Mediation - Framework - Administration & UTFA - April 19, 2012
Mediation Agreement Establishing the Special Joint Advisory Committee Process
2009-10 & 2010-11 Arbitration Award (with Comments)
Workload Policy Extension to March 30, 2012 (Feb 17, 2012)
Workload Policy Implementation (Jan 11, 2012)
Workload Policy for Teaching Stream (Sept 26, 2011)
Workload Policy Q&A / Information Report #17 (Apr. 4, 2011)
Final Teplitsky Award 2009-10-11 w Sched A and B (workload) (Feb 9, 2011)
UTFA Bargaining Report #8 - Discussion of Arbitration Award & Related Issues (Nov 9, 2010)
UTFA Memo re Nov-2010 and Jan-2011 UofT Payroll Statements
SB&P Arbitration Award for 2009-10 and 2010-11 (Oct 12, 2010)
SB&P Arbitration Award Email (Oct 12, 2010)
SB&P Administration's memo re Award (Oct 12, 2010)
Toronto Star article re Award (Oct 13, 2010)
Joint Benefit Committee (May 13, 2010)
2009-10 Negotiations
Public Sector Compensation Issue, July, 2010
Minister of Finance Remarks (July 20, 2010)
Overheads re Public Sector Compensation (July 20, 2010)
Ontario Ministry Letter re some concerns (July 23, 2010)
UTFA Bargaining Report #7: Wage Freeze Statements (July 26, 2010)
Mediated Agreement, March, 2010
Bargaining Reports for UTFA Members
Bargaining Report #6, Agreement - re Workload, GRP & UTAC, Arbitration Next (March 29, 2010)
Bargaining Report #5, Negotiations End, Mediation Starts & Collegiality (December 2, 2009)
Bargaining Report #4, Prof Doug Lorimer on Workload (November 17, 2009)
Bargaining Report #3 (August 5, 2009)
Bargaining Report #2 (March 11, 2009)
Bargaining Report #1 (January 13, 2009)
Briefs Submitted by UTFA & the Administration
UTFA - Arbitration Brief (April 19, 2010)
Administration - Arbitration Brief (April 19, 2010)
UTFA - Reply Brief to Administration's Arbitration Brief (April 23, 2010)
Adminstration - Reply Brief to UTFA's Arbitration Brief, (April 27, 2010)
UTFA - Supplemental Brief (May 13, 2010)
2007-08 and 2008-09 Settlement Agreements
Signed Memorandum of Settlement
Memorandum of Agreement regarding Information Issues
Summary of 2007-08-09 SB&P Settlement
2005-06 and 2006-07
Responses from Administration and UTFA Members following the Winkler Award
April 7 letter to faculty and librarians from the Administration
May 19 covering memo from UTFA President to faculty and librarians
April 24/25 motion ratified by UTFA and RALUT
April 12 letter from Professor Emeritus Germaine Warkentin to President David Naylor
April 18 letter from Professor Emeritus Ed Barbeau to Provost Goel and Vice-President Hildyard
April 20 letter from Professor James Pesando & Professor Emeritus Thomas Wilson to Provost Goel
April 7 letter from Professor Alasdair Urquhart to Provost Goel
The Winkler Award and the Arbitration Submissions
April 5, 2006 announcement. On March 28th, the three-person Dispute Resolution Panel, chaired by Regional Senior Justice Warren K. Winkler, issued its report with the terms of a two-year arbitrated award for the academic years 2005-6 and 2006-7. Our Memorandum of Agreement requires that UTFA and the Administration agree on the timing and manner of the release of this information in the ten days following the report's issuance.
We jointly agreed that it would be released on the morning of April 5th. When can you expect these increases in your pay? The Vice-President of HR, in her April 5 memo to PDAD&C, writes: "We are hoping that the 2005 ATB, as well as the increased PTR for 2005, will be included in the May payroll. As soon as those increases have been determined, we will be able to initiate the processing of the July 1, 2006 PTR and ATB payments. Further information on the timetable for implementation of the PTR and ATB awards, as well as the PERA increase, will be forthcoming shortly."
The following pdf files provide the details on the Winkler Award and the overall Settlement.
- The main Winkler Award document (pdf file , 65KB, 17 pages)
- Partial Dissent (by the Administration Nominee) (pdf file, 18KB, 1 page)
- UTFA Nominee Response (pdf file, 26KB, 2 pages)
- Additional Monetary Items, agreed in Mediation, prior to the Winkler Award (pdf file, 32KB, 1 page)
- Additional Non-Monetary Items, still to be Negotiated (pdf file, 345KB, 5 pages)
- Report of the UTFA Vice President for Salaries, Benefits and Pension (pdf file, 41KB, 4 pages)
- April 5, 2006 Memo from Administration to PDAD&C (pdf file, 14KB, 2 pages)
January 14, 2006 update. The decision on our salary, benefits, and pensions settlement for 2005-06 rests in the hands of the three member Dispute Resolution Panel. We await the decision.
The public Dispute Resolution Panel Hearings (as prescribed in Article 6 of the Memorandum) took place on December 12 & 13, 2005 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Toronto before the three-member Dispute Resolution Panel, comprising of Justice Warren K. Winkler (Chair), Jeffrey Sack (for UTFA), and Larry Bertuzzi (for the Administration).
UTFA's lawyer, Larry Steinberg, presented our case to the panel on the first day. The Administration's lawyer, Chris Riggs, followed the next morning with his presentation and then UTFA concluded with a final rebuttal late in the day.
A number of lengthy documents were placed in evidence by both sides. The four main volumes (there were 10 in all, 5 from each side) are reproduced in full here. Only the table of contents of the other six are posted here (to scan them would consume much space).
UTFA's Initial Brief
Main Brief (UTFA document 1 of 5)
Full text of UTFA's Initial Brief
(470 kb, 142 pages) or via the following table of contents to specific topics
- The Legal Framework for this Arbitration
- The University of Toronto: A Leader in Teaching and Research
- Faculty Members and Librarians: Rank Structure
- The Salary Structure
- Article 6 and the History of Bargaining: 1977 & 2005
Salary & ATB (Across-the-Board Increase)
Salary Scale
Per-Course Payments
(index only)
- UTFA book of Documents, Vol I (index only, UTFA document 2 of 5)
- UTFA book of Documents, Vol II (index only, UTFA document 3 or 5)
- UTFA book of Documents, Vol III (index only, UTFA document 4 of 5)
- Administration Brief (540 kb, 96 pages, Administration document 1 of 5)
- Administration Book of Exhibits (index only, Administration document 2 of 5))
- Administration Case Book (index only, Administration document 3 of 5)
- UTFA'S Reply Brief (167 kb, 42 pages, UTFA document 5 of 5)
- Administration Reply Brief (169 kb, 44 pages, Administration document 4 of 5)
- Administration Reply Exhibit Book (index only, Administration document 5 of 5)
This past spring, after successfully negotiating an end to mandatory retirement, the UTFA and Administration negotiating teams met for four days with mediator Kevin Burkett in an effort to reach an agreement on salary, benefit and pension issues. Unfortunately, these deliberations reached an impasse with the result that we are proceeding to arbitration under the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement. Mr. Justice Warren K. Winkler has agreed to serve as chair of the Arbitration Panel. Mr. Jeffrey Sack will serve as UTFA's appointee to the panel. The Administration has appointed Mr. Lawrence Bertuzzi as their representative on the panel.
There is an error at the bottom of Page 3 of the Sept 27 newsletter. The section on librarians' salaries incorrectly refers to new minimum salaries for Librarian 1 and Librarian 2.
In fact, the new minimum salary figures (quoted on page 3 of the Newsletter) are for Librarian 3 and Librarian 4.
June 30, 2005 - email to all UTFA members from UTFA president regarding Bulletin's rejection of UTFA text (four page pdf file)
"When the Bulletin approached me for comment, I prepared a brief 340 word statement with the approval of my colleagues – somewhat shorter than the Administration's position as articulated in the Bulletin article (and on the UofT website) – covering the issues in dispute. Imagine my surprise…"
June 23, 2005 - UTFA comments in response to request by UofT Bulletin (one page pdf file)
The UofT web posting of June 14, 2005 makes specific reference to the across-the-board salary issue and the pension augmentation issue. In response to the Bulletin's request for comments, UTFA submitted the above 340 words of text on June 23. It very briefly addressed both issues. The Bulletin (in the June 27, 2005 issue) decided not to publish it because it was "too long". UTFA did not agree to its being "excerpted".
May 29, 2005 - UTFA exit position at the end of Mediation (5-page pdf file)
May 29, 2005 - Administration exit position at the end of Mediation (4-page pdf file)
In the early morning hours of Wednesday, August 8, 2007, the University of Toronto Faculty Association and the University Administration reached a mediated agreement on salary, benefit and pension issues for the 2007-08 and 2008-09 academic years. Mr. Martin Teplitsky was the mediator, (Click the above link to view the entire document in pdf format.)